Sunday, November 18, 2012
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
The Secret to Life, via the Marketing Crab.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
The Mothers Day Swell - a surfing poem!
G'day, Hock here.
“The Mother’s Day Swell.”
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Latest Name Guru Youtube videos....!
I hope you enjoy them, and
and Jodie for good measure...
love love love
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Why are we here?
Found the following poem/essay/commentary in an old file from 2001......
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Another market day, life, death, blindness, greatness, etc
And welcome to another segment from the markets, which have been unaffected despite the turmoil in Greece and Europe. Indeed, not much has changed. Aside, of course, from the wonderful blend of weirdos that show up at my stall, here at the Eumundi markets. 'Why shouldn't I call my son Clint?', the book, is the reason we're here today, and fine bunch we're confronted with.
On the right, from left to right, we have, Katie, Linda, Sandra, Kyle (the name of the facial expression given to a man who has just been kicked in the nuts), Vanitta, Jane and Warren ( looking away, and i dont blame him.)
According to the book, and the Name Guru app.....
Warren: As a variety of ferret, Warren is pure white in colour when he is clean but, generally, he's a dull shitty brown, he smells odd and he bites.
A quick family message now. My cousin, Dani, is married to a crazy South African (when are they not?) called Pook. He goes bike riding, (and in this case, the kind of bike riding where you leap off rocks, fall 20 metres and hope that the top of the gum tree you're falling into will catch you) with the bloke on the right, whose name is Pat. To be honest, he doesnt look like a 'Pat'. His partner Sue, arrived on almost a record day for 'Sue'. i met at least 8 of them. Maybe more. Indeed, is it the most common name in Austrlia for girls over the age of 25? Anyway, it was lovely to

Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Excerpt from, "The shark that ate Tommy Shoalhaven"
love hock !
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Barack, Baby Names etc etc
From left to right, we soon had Alexandra, Cailen, Sue, Kim and Pamela arrive on the scene. Bloody funny all round, to be honest. Alexandra wasn't exactly delighted with her story from the app and the book....
As I say, thank you Sue.
Now, below we have the beautiful Gaenna, who up until this blog entry didn't exist in either the book or the Name Guru app. Gaenna, here is your name theory that will be in the app come next update, happening soon.......
By the way, in one of those weird modern phenomenons, Gaenna's middle name is K. As in, like Special K. just K.
Noel, pictured right, read his name theory, had a laugh, looked at me and says, "Yep. I've done that heaps."
By the way, I'm trying to get Barack Obama's name theory to him. let me know if you can help.....
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Does your name influence your personality?
Now, Justin and Monique arrived (left). According to the book and the Name Guru app, Justin is the name given to what happens to a bowl of cereal if left too long. eg- it's a soggy disaster. Blow me down with a feather when he told me that he especially LOVES SOGGY CEREAL!! Justin: you're a legend. Monique was equally delighted.
Monique: The living embodiment of a chook raffle.
As I told them, I never wrote the book as a baby name book but cripes, pregnant people love it. For the record, in the 'Name Guru' app compatibility stakes, Justin and Monique record the following score.....
10/10 !!
Frequency of sexual relations(according to the app): Every 45 minutes. tantric, usually.
Never a dull moment, as i say.
Now, Louise and Scarlett.....look at these two, will you. Scarlett is the daughter, and according to both book and app, she will turn into a vixen from head to tail! She'll be a passionate girl in both love and hate and will delight in wearing bright colours in her predominantly red hair.
And check out the young dude on the right watching the whole thing. No idea who he is, but he adds to photo perfectly...
Then of course, we had the chicks arrive!!
Left to right, Caitlin (the train crash, Samara (the tribal bonfire in PNG), Carol (the gentle and good-natured Loggerhead turtle) and Victoria (the proud horse.)
Indeed, Victoria, I interviewed a horse once for the Name Guru app.......
Thank you girls.......and you look nothing like the 'Victoria' in the interview, Victoria!
Later, the father and daughter team of Warren and Holly showed up. Dad was abit flummoxed at the description of Warren in the book. Indeed, he began to turn red in the face with either excitment or anger - I wasn't sure...
Warren: A variety of ferret, Warren is pure white in colour when he's clean but, generally, he's a dull shitty brown, he smells odd and he bites.
Holly, on the other hand, was all smiles because, basically, Holly is skilled, loved and loving, and she can do anything that she bloody well likes! Amen Holly! Hard to believe he's your dad!! (...just kidding!)
thank you, you two. I hope you're enjoying the book!
Last but not least, check out this rabble, will you? From left to right......Jack(the phenomenon of a parcel arriving in the post from a good friend- although modern school teachers disagree, Jack), Jacob(a possible Baptist minister), Michael (catholic school boy, political fundraiser, engineer, etc, etc), Ebony (back) - very energetic and possible parana in her next reincarnation), Alexandra ("Where's my pony, mother? I want my pony??!!!"), Kate (ahh....the glorious breathe you take before diving into a perfect blue sea), Rebecca (the gifted intellectual who might be a racehorse wearing blinkers and finally, Emily (the table manners world champion!). somehow i doubt that, Emily!
What a team, eh?
Until next time at the markets, good luck and god bless.
And all sunshine coast residents can catch me Monday afternoons on Noosa Community, 101.3FM from 4-6pm.
It's a PARTY FOR ONE!!!!!!
love to all,
Hock xoxo