The back cover probably sums it up...
Have you ever met a Shazza who can't handle herself? Why do we imagine Sky sunbaking in the nude more than Grace?....Why is that?Like a tiny piece of personalised music, each of us has a name that, like all sounds, evokes some small and subconscious response from those we meet. This collective reaction, over the years of our existence, can gently trickle down and influence who we become.
This book is a must-read for those faced with one of the following scenarios...
1 You've fallen pregnant - or knocked-up your girlfriend - and are trying desperately to arrive at a baby name which won't destroy the child's life.
2 You work with an idiot and you wonder how they became an idiot.
3 Your parents didn't have access to this book and they mysteriously called you D'Artagnan, L_ah, Flavio, Abcde or Vernon, and you wonder why people seem to treat you differently.
With 1000 more names than the previous edition, and having already been put to good use by thousands of prospective parents, as well as causing hilarity and chaos at countless dinner parties and group gatherings across Australia and abroad, Why Shouldn't I Call My Son Clint? Edition 4, well and truly spills the (comic) beans about what your name says about you.
Good luck!
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